Irise Dance Project needs your support!

Where do your donations go?

  • Tuition cost for each dancer is $125 per month for 3 weekly dance classes plus rehearsals.

  • $100 per dancer for attire. This includes proper leotards, tights, dance shoes, etc.

  • $150 per dancer for dance costumes for performances/showcases

  • Funds for college mentorship and guidance. Irise will support dancers in college pre-screens, transportation to and from auditions, hotel costs, food, and private lessons in preparation for auditions.

  • Funds for field trips to see professional dance to expose our dancers to the performing arts world.

Current scholarships are supported in part by a grant from the Lawrence Cultural Council, a local agency that receives support from the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

With your help, we can do so much more!